The resolution, adopted by a panel of 7 Supreme Court judges, of 22 July 2020 (file ref. No. III CZP 31/19) reads: A victim who suffered bodily injury or health impairment may claim compensation under Article 444§1 of the Civil Code for the costs of care provided to him free of charge by persons close […]
polish civil law
State of epidemic threat in the territory of the Republic of Poland. When the city of Wuhan in China began to observe a spread of disease caused by a hitherto unknown virus at the end of November 2019, nobody suspected that soon after, in March 2020, the World Health Organisation will declare a global pandemic. […]
In the face of widespread criticism of the activities of the District Committees Adjudicating on Medical Events (Wojewódzkie Komisje ds. Orzekania o Zdarzeniach Medycznych) as well as considering new developments to investigate alternatives to judicial proceedings, it is worth to consider reasons why a formula of compensating personal injury, intentionally modelled on (among others) the […]
The subject of Great Britain saying farewell to the European Union and the conditions on which it intends to do so to this day remains on the front pages of newspapers. It is a matter which the Brits, the Poles and the citizens of the remaining EU Member States care about on an almost equal […]