The personal injury team at the BFP law firm specializes in every kind of personal injury case where the injury occurred on the territory of Poland. We have represented, and are still representing, hundreds of clients across Poland, as well as residents of other countries, that seek compensation for their injury resulting from medical negligence, road traffic accidents, aviation accidents, defective products, and others. [Read more.]


Changes in insurance The Act of 13.09.2024 on the amendment of the Act on Compulsory Insurance, the Insurance Guarantee Fund and the Polish Motor Insurers’ Bureau and the Act on Insurance and Reinsurance Activity amended the existing insurance regulations by implementing Directive 2009/103/EC of the European Parliament and of the European Council of 16.09.2009 on […]

In 2018, the Insurance Guarantee Fund (UFG), in cooperation with the Polish Motor Insurers’ Bureau, developed a solution that allows insurers to access important data from police notes regarding road traffic accidents, including the time, place, circumstances, drivers, and vehicles involved. Today insurers have access to an even wider range of data, including information on […]

Have you suffered damage during treatment? The first thing you need to do is get medical records from a medical facility in which you were treated, which will allow you to analyze the course of your treatment, assess its correctness, and determine issues such as, in particular, whether you have given proper consent to the […]

Plastic Surgery Malpractice in Turkey

Gabriela Lenarczyk17 October 2023Komentarze (8)

Are you considering undergoing plastic surgery in Turkey? The Internet is full of accounts encouraging people to combine the ‘pleasant’ with the ‘useful’, i.e., a holiday with an aesthetic medicine procedure. Unfortunately, an increasing number of reports suggest that the quality of these services is unfortunately as low as their price. A medical error committed […]

With travelling abroad for cosmetic surgery on the rise, Poland has seen a steady increase of medical tourists seeking cheaper cosmetic and dentistry treatments. While at first glance such trips look appealing, one must always consider risks associated with having a surgical procedure in a different country – if something goes wrong, the path to […]